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October 1, 2001 |
Chicago, IL House Show Report and News Update
An exhausted Sam Holiday loses by countout!!

While the main event tonight in Chicago was a bloody steel cage match between Steve Corino and Stan Baker, it was the Sam Holiday vs. Jesse Hennig match that really has people talking. It was the semi-main event match, and it appered to be a bit of a mismatch with MidAm legend and 15 month champion Sam Holiday taking on mid-carder Jesse Hennig. To make things even worse for Hennig, his buddy Stan Baker was busy getting ready for his important main event match, and the Graduates had already been battered and bruised earlier in the night by Hardamann and DDP. So outside interference would not be a factor tonight. As the match progressed it was pretty clear that Holiday was superior. However, through a mix of cheating and last moment kick-outs Hennig survived past 20 minutes still alive and kicking. Holiday was pressing the action though and tried to finish off Hennig with a cross body block. Hennig ducked under and Holiday glanced off of Hennig and sailed right through the ropes to the floor below. Ring side observors said that Holiday did not seem to land too hard, but when he tried to get to his feet he looked plain exhausted. Inside the ring Hennig took the opportunity to catch his breath and recover, never dreaming I'm sure of what was about to happen. With his hands on the bottom rope Holiday tried to pull himself into the ring, but to no avail. He was too tired, and Wayne Hart counted to 10. Jesse Hennig was awarded the match by countout. A huge upset. Sure, Holiday held onto the championship but you wouldn't have known it from Hennig's celebration. After the match several internet rag reporters tried to get an interview with the usually obliging Sam Holiday. The champ rebuked all attempts to get him to comment and left the arena in a hurry. The Main Event might have been anti-climatic except the two men fought a terrific war. In the end Sinister Stan Baker was just too much for the much smaller Steve Corino. Baker won the match by ref stoppage due to blood loss after nerly 20 minutes in the ring. The remainder of the card went as follows; *Diamond Dallas Page and Al Hardamann joined forces and defeated the Graduates - Sean O'Haire and Shane Helms, despite the outside interference by Madusa. Hardamann pinned Helms after hitting him with the Vertebreaker. Post match Hardamann humiliated Madusa with an across the knee spanking. *The Spinebusters continued their war of attrition against the Amazing Malenkos. In a 2 out of 3 falls title defense, Joe Malenko pinned Bryan Caruthers after a swinging neckbreaker in quick fashion after only about 2 minutes. After that The Spinebusters really became vicious. However, neither team could muster up another fall victory before time ran out at 30 minutes. Officially the match ends as a draw. *The Patriot entered into his match against Kamala still favouring his back and knee. Kamala used that to his advantage and wore the Patriot down. Kamala won by pinfall after a big splash about 8 minutes into the match. *Balls Mahoney made his official premiere in MidAm but his match against Menele was ruled a no-decision when it was thrown out due to both mens refusal to stop brawling outside the ring. *Dirty Don Spartan got a popular win over Max Pain following a piledriver after about 10 minutes. *In a battle between two fan favorite tag teams, The Extremists (Ace Darling/Devon Storm) defeated the Young Guns (Greg Pawluk/Johnny Devine) after 15 high flying minutes. Devon Storm pinned Johnny Devine. *J.J. Extreme won easily over Alex Rider after a moonsault in about 6 minutes.